
I built this

I sit at my computer with tears streaming down my face as I watch the requests pour in.  I can’t think of another word to describe it other than a frenzy.  I AM STUNNED.

29 out of 36 Christmas Mini Sessions booked within a few hours just from clients in my 160 person VIP Facebook group.  I didn’t share it on the page, on Instagram, Yelp, or by email.  This one group booked 80% of my sessions faster than I could enter them into my computer.  I want to laugh hysterically because this can’t actually be real!  Instead I cry because…well…I built this!

I want to tell you to jump.  Take the leap of faith and do the big things that you dream of!  Fight through the self-doubt, the anxiety and other people’s opinions.  You will never know what you can do if you don’t try.  6 years ago I had a dream that I didn’t think I was good enough or brave enough to reach for.  But I thought about my 2 daughters and how I tell them that they can do anything they if they work hard and believe in themselves.  I had to be that example for them.  I had to jump.

And guess what!  It was HARD!  I had panic attacks through the first 6 months of starting Melissa Auer Photography.  I constantly compared myself to other photographers (for years!!) until I found my style and my confidence.  But guess what else?!


So run, jump, leap, dive right into your dreams and do the hard stuff, the ugly stuff, the scary stuff.  Cry the tears of frustration and feel the joy of success.  You won’t know how far you can get if you’re standing still.  Know that you’re amazing and strong and brave (even if you don’t realize it yet) and that you can build something incredible too!

Thank you to all of my amazing clients and especially to those of you who have been with me since the early years.  You’re all pretty great!

Can’t wait to see you at Christmas Minis!!!

Christmas mini sessions by Melissa Auer Photography / post - I built this

Melissa auer photography

Serving Maple Ridge & Surrounding cities

melissa auer photography

Serving Maple Ridge & Beyond