
princess themed photo shoot / maple ridge child photographer

I LOVE doing themed photo sessions, so one afternoon when I was bored, I thought I’d do a princess themed photo shoot with my girls.   I’m not gonna lie.  Taking pictures of my own kids sometimes feels like torture.  They are smart & beautiful and I love them more than words can say but they are rotten little stinkers when I want to take photos.

I’ve had many clients express concern that their kids don’t like photos and they’re worried I wont get any good ones.  This has never been an issue with other people’s kids.  I will sing, play games and generally make a fool of myself to get great shots for my clients and they are often surprised to see how many beautiful images of their little one(s) they get back from me.

The problem is that my girls know my material.  They know the goofy faces, silly songs and games that I pull out of my hat on a shoot.  They also know all of the things that push my buttons and don’t hesitate to bring out all of their tricks when I want to do mini shoots with them.  I have resorted to bribery.  for this princess themed photo shoot, I promised that if they cooperated with me that I would let them watch a movie.  15 minutes, an almost tantrum from my 3 year old, a lot of overacting goofy faces and a near fistfight over who got to wear which hair accessory later, these were my usable pics…





3 lovely images of my smart, sassy, bossy, silly, funny, dramatic, sweet, loving, generous girls.

It was worth every coaxing, pleading, scolding, bribing, making a fool of myself minute.



Melissa auer photography

Serving Maple Ridge & Surrounding cities

melissa auer photography

Serving Maple Ridge & Beyond